Improving The Safety Of Your Home

Best Places to Hide Your Spare Key When You Leave Home

Make sure that you prevent lock-outs with a back-up key tucked in a spot around your home that is undetectable to potential intruders, trespassers, and burglars. If you do find yourself trapped on the wrong side of your home's front door, make sure that you keep the phone number of a reliable and reputable locksmith on hand, either in your phone's contacts or written down inside your wallet. 

When hunting around to hide your key, skip these not-so-smart spots:

  • Skip any place where the key can become damaged by the elements. The only thing more frustrating than getting locked out of your home might be to have a key that won't work in the lock.
  • Don't hide your key less than 15' from any door to your home. This will curb entry to your home in the event the prowler spends some time looking for your key.
  • Avoid obvious hiding spots, including under the welcome mat, on the frame over the door, or inside a fake, rubber rock. These are the first places that a seasoned criminal will look.

The best places for your spare key are often in plain view:

With other keys. Fill a mason jar with similar-looking keys and bury your house key in the bottom. It might take a few tries, but you will get in.

Inside a wind chime. Suspend your key inside of a wind chime that is near or on your porch or patio. The sound may deter burglars who are trying to gain access quietly.

Near a feature away from the house. Look for a feature on your property but away from the door. Some good spots are in a grill, secured in the doghouse, or tucked in an outbuilding.

Inside the gutter. Use industrial-strength Velcro or electrical tape to secure the key inside the gutter downspout. Make sure to hide it on inside of the upper portion of the spout, so that the water flowing down doesn't touch it.

Tucked in a sprinkler. There are some clever gadgets that resemble nondescript items- perfect for hiding a key. One that is currently on the market looks just like a sprinkler head and it contains a secure cavity that fits a key.

On your dog's collar. If you have an outdoor dog, consider attaching a key to their collar. Don't put your address on the pet's collar in this instance, though, as it could be an invitation to someone to visit when you are not home if your were to lose the collar.

In your vehicle. Consider hiding your key in your car, such as in the trunk or glovebox, but don't forget it is there if you get rid of the vehicle later.

With a neighbor. You could always give a copy of your key to a trustworthy neighbor or friend that lives nearby for convenience during a lock-out crisis.

Ensure entry to your home by tucking a key somewhere that you can easily access it in the event of an emergency. Don't make it a habit of retrieving this key, as others may observe this and compromise your home's security. If all else fails, call a reputable locksmith like National Lock & Safe Co to help get you back in your house!
